Bhootni| Mika Singh Lyrics

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Bhootni| Mika Singh Lyrics

Bhootni| Mika Singh  Lyrics

Song Name Bhootni
Singer(s) Mika Singh
Lyricist(s) Amitabh Bhattacharya
Music(s) Sachin Jigar
Album Roohi
Music Label Sony music India


Bhootni | Mika Singh Lyrics

Kya mera lena dena manmohni se
Kya mera lena dena manmohni se
Maine bhootni bhootni bhootni ko dil diya

Laanat huzoor hirni pe morni pe
Laanat huzoor hirni pe morni pe
Maine bhootni bhootni bhootni ko dil diya

Kiya hai à€–à€Œà¥à€Š ko raazi
Agli pooranmaasi
Aane ka yaro main wait karunga

Banegi prem kahani
Milegi bhooton ki raani
Main usey Date karunga

Kiya hai à€–à€Œà¥à€Š ko raazi
Agli pooranmaasi
Aane ka yaro main wait karunga

Banegi prem kahani
Milegi bhooton ki raani
Main usey Date karunga

à€Ÿà€Ÿà€à€•à€Ÿ à€­à€¿à€¡à€Œà€Ÿ hai ..

à€Ÿà€Ÿà€à€•à€Ÿ à€­à€¿à€¡à€Œà€Ÿ hai daayan à€¹à¥€à€°à¥‹à€‡à€šà¥€ se
à€Ÿà€Ÿà€à€•à€Ÿ à€­à€¿à€¡à€Œà€Ÿ hai daayan à€¹à¥€à€°à¥‹à€‡à€šà¥€ se

Bhootni ..
Bhootni ko dil diya ..

Dil aagya kisi ka jo bhootni pe
Dil aagya kisi ka jo bhootni pe
to mohini mohini mohini
kya cheez hai

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